17. Hyperparameters

Hyperparameters for Decision Trees

In order to create decision trees that will generalize to new problems well, we can tune a number of different aspects about the trees. We call the different aspects of a decision tree "hyperparameters". These are some of the most important hyperparameters used in decision trees:

Maximum Depth

The maximum depth of a decision tree is simply the largest possible length between the root to a leaf. A tree of maximum length
can have at most

Maximum depth of a decision tree

Maximum depth of a decision tree

Minimum number of samples to split

A node must have at least min_samples_split samples in order to be large enough to split. If a node has fewer samples than min_samples_split samples, it will not be split, and the splitting process stops.

Minimum number of samples to split

Minimum number of samples to split

However, min_samples_split doesn't control the minimum size of leaves. As you can see in the example on the right, above, the parent node had 20 samples, greater than min_samples_split = 11, so the node was split. But when the node was split, a child node was created with that had 5 samples, less than min_samples_split = 11.

Minimum number of samples per leaf

When splitting a node, one could run into the problem of having 99 samples in one of them, and 1 on the other. This will not take us too far in our process, and would be a waste of resources and time. If we want to avoid this, we can set a minimum for the number of samples we allow on each leaf.

Minimum number of samples per leaf

Minimum number of samples per leaf

This number can be specified as an integer or as a float. If it's an integer, it's the minimum number of samples allowed in a leaf. If it's a float, it's the minimum percentage of samples allowed in a leaf. For example, 0.1, or 10%, implies that a particular split will not be allowed if one of the leaves that results contains less than 10% of the samples in the dataset.

If a threshold on a feature results in a leaf that has fewer samples than min_samples_leaf, the algorithm will not allow that split, but it may perform a split on the same feature at a different threshold, that does satisfy min_samples_leaf.

Overfitting Underfitting quiz


Let's test your intuition. Which sizes of features are associated with underfitting and which with overfitting? Drag the answers to the corresponding boxes.




Small maximum depth

Large maximum depth

Small minimum samples per split

Large minimum samples per split




Small maximum depth

Large minimum samples per split

Large maximum depth

Small minimum samples per split

Large maximum depth

Small minimum samples per split

Small maximum depth

Large minimum samples per split